What is MCS? 5 Important things to know as a customer

June 6, 2024
5 min read

If you are thinking about installing renewable technology to improve your home’s energy performance, then in your research, you might have seen many renewable installation companies talk about being ‘MCS-accredited’ or ‘MCS-certified’. But what does this mean? Why does it matter? Is this important to you as the consumer?

In this blog, we’ll answer all these questions and more

What is the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) in the UK

The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is a crucial standards organisation in the UK, certifying products and installers of renewable energy technologies.

Established to ensure the quality and reliability of small-scale renewable energy systems, MCS is crucial to the UK’s transition towards sustainable energy.

For consumers like you, MCS certification acts as a mark of quality, reliability, and protection. For installers and companies like Green Building Renewables, it signifies that we adhere to specific industry standards and best practices, which means you can trust the work that we do for you.

What Technologies are Certified by MCS?

MCS certification covers eight main types of renewable energy technologies, they are:

  1. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels: Convert sunlight into electricity for homes and businesses.
  2. Solar Thermal Panels: Using sunlight to heat water reduces conventional heating needs.
  3. Wind Turbines: Small-scale turbines generate electricity from wind for properties.
  4. Heat Pumps: Air and ground source heat pumps transfer heat into buildings for heating and hot water.
  5. Biomass Boilers: Burn organic materials like wood pellets for heating and hot water.
  6. Hydroelectric Systems: Convert the energy of flowing water into electricity.
  7. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems: Generate electricity and capture usable heat simultaneously.
  8. Battery Storage: Storage systems like Tesla Powerwall.

What are the Benefits for Consumers

Renewable companies frequently mention that they are MCS-certified, and this is because the certification means certain benefits for you as a customer if you decide to get a renewable installation for your property.

1. Quality Assurance: MCS certification ensures products and installers meet high standards of quality, guaranteeing efficient and effective performance of installed systems.

2. Consumer Protection: Choosing MCS-certified products and installers protects warranties and guarantees, ensuring issues are addressed promptly.

By law, the equipment supplied as part of your renewable energy system should be of satisfactory quality, including in appearance and finish. It should also be fit for purpose and free from minor defects. Many equipment manufacturers offer a 2-year warranty for parts and sometimes labour from the date of installation.

MCS also offers protection for deposits for your new energy system. Using a credit card can provide extra financial protection. If the deposit requested is over £100 but less than £30,000 and your system is not then installed, your credit card provider should be able to help you get your money back. In addition, many credit providers will protect the entire value of your purchase, even if you only pay for the deposit on your credit card.

3. Financial Incentives: Government incentives and subsidies, such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, often require MCS certification.

4. Environmental Impact: MCS helps maximise the environmental benefits of renewable energy systems, ensuring investments contribute to reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.

Why Y Should Look for MCS-Certified Installers

Here are our five reasons why you should only consider MCS-Certified installers

1. Professionalism and Expertise: MCS certification indicates rigorous assessment of installers, ensuring they possess the necessary skills and knowledge for effective installations of different technologies.

2. Adherence to Standards: Certified installers adhere to strict standards and codes of practice, ensuring safe, efficient, and compliant installations.

3. Quality of Service: MCS-certified installers are regularly audited and monitored to maintain high standards, reducing the likelihood of issues. It’s a bit like an Ofsted for installation companies. If companies are performing well, they are audited less often.

4. Access to Support: Certified installers offer better customer support and aftercare services, including comprehensive warranties for ongoing support.

5. Enhanced Environmental Impact: By choosing MCS-certified products and installers, you ensure that your renewable energy system is of high quality and installed correctly, maximizing its environmental benefits. This means your investment will effectively contribute to reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change, making a positive impact on the environment.

How Installers Get Certified

In order to become an MCS-certified installer, companies like Green Building Renewables have to go through a few steps and maintain their performance they are:

1. Meet Eligibility Criteria: We must demonstrate relevant qualifications and experience in renewable energy installations. At Green Building Renewables, we believe we have the best installers, and we want to be the best installers. This is why we only use our in-house teams and use no sub-contractors.

2. Training and Assessment: Installers undergo specific training programs and assessments to ensure they have the requisite knowledge and skills, including understanding technical aspects and MCS standards.

3. Compliance with Standards: Installers must adhere to MCS standards and codes of practice, maintaining high-quality installation practices and customer service.

4. Regular Audits: Certified installers are subject to regular audits and inspections to ensure ongoing compliance maintaining the integrity and reliability of MCS certification.

5. Commitment to Quality: Installers must demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and quality assurance by staying updated with industry developments, technologies, and best practices.

In Conclusion

The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is vital to the UK’s renewable energy sector. It ensures high-quality, reliable, and safe installations for consumers while promoting environmental sustainability.

For installers like us, MCS certification signifies a commitment to excellence and adherence to industry standards.

For you the consumer, by choosing MCS-certified products and installers, you can be confident in the quality and performance of your renewable energy systems, paving the way for a greener future.

By understanding the benefits and protections offered by MCS certification, you can make informed decisions about renewable energy installations, ensuring long-term reliability and efficiency.

If you want to speak to a trusted MCS-certified installer to help transform the energy performance of your home, then get in contact with us today.

Written By:

john gilham technical manager
John Gilham
When it comes to renewables, our Group Technical Manager, John Gilham is a big deal! Both metaphorically and literally speaking; his massive knowledge about all things renewable and low energy is matched by his physical presence. In 2016, John co-founded GoEco Renewables with our MD Chris Delaney, which marked a pivotal moment in his career. The move reflected his commitment to sustainable energy and positioned him as a leader in the industry. Want to know more about John then click here: Read More

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